Section: Software and Platforms


Participant : Pierre Michaud.

Microarchitecture temperature modeling

Status: Registered with APP Number IDDN.FR.001.220013.000.S.P.2010.000.31235, Available under GNU General Public License

Some recent research has started investigating the microarchitectural implications of 3D circuits, for which the thermal constraint is stronger than for conventional 2D circuits.

STiMuL can be used to model steady-state temperature in 3D circuits consisting of several layers of different materials. STiMuL is based on a rigorous solution to the Laplace equation.The number and characteristics of layers can be defined by the user. The boundary conditions can also be defined by the user. In particular, STiMuL can be used along with thermal imaging to obtain the power density inside an integrated circuit. This power density could be used for instance in a dynamic simulation oriented temperature modeling such as ATMI.

STiMuL is written in C and uses the FFTW library for discrete Fourier transforms computations.

Visit http://www.irisa.fr/alf/stimul or contact Pierre Michaud.